发布日期:2024-12-20 18:08 点击次数:150
三维国际高端装备制造产业园项目自投产以来受到了社会各界的广泛关注。公司规模不断扩大,设备不断升级,其意义在于为客户提供更好的保障,更安心的品质和服务。 之前的几期文章中我们介绍了厂区的三条核心智能生产线,本期我们重点介绍一下厂区厂房以及办公楼的设计理念。
The sunway new factory project has received widespread attention from all sectors of society since its launch. The company's scale is constantly expanding and equipment is constantly upgrading, which means providing customers with better protection, more reassuring quality and service. In previous articles, we introduced the three core intelligent production lines of the new factory area. In this issue, we will focus on the design concept of the new factory building and office building.
钢结构厂房往往是最简单、最经济的建筑系统,但我们可以 “不仅仅是这样”。
Steel structure factories are often the simplest and most economical building systems, but we can go beyond that.
厂房墙面系统采用780型波纹板, 大块的板材加上明钉式的紧固方式搭配精致的波纹线条,既适合工业建筑的大体量,也不失精致。山墙面采用白银灰和牛津蓝的色彩搭配,彰显独特气质,外墙则采用高透光率竖向隐框玻璃幕墙。
The wall system of the factory building adopts 780 type corrugated board, with large pieces of board and exposed nail fastening method combined with exquisite corrugated lines, which is suitable for the large volume of industrial buildings without losing delicacy. The mountain wall adopts a color combination of silver gray and Oxford blue, showcasing a unique temperament, while the exterior wall adopts a high transmittance vertical hidden frame glass curtain wall.
Office buildings are mainly composed of steel structures: rhythmic windows and specially designed skins - the former continues and highlights the continuity of the existing facade, while the latter makes the building more iconic. The curtain wall adopts an overall shape of vertically visible and horizontally hidden glass and aluminum panels, with specially designed wall reinforcement height differences, ultimately forming a staggered, simple but not simple facade effect.
From structure to enclosure, precise construction is carried out strictly in accordance with standards. The entire wall is delicate and wide, with smooth lines, and the movement of machinery and the sound of production make the space more poetic. While pursuing overall aesthetics, details such as windows, canopies, and edges are also carefully considered according to the ultimate requirements, making the building durable, easy to maintain, and long-lasting.
The two office buildings mainly accommodate functions such as management office, training, dining, and employee rest, while also cleverly integrating visitation attributes. The floor to ceiling glass on one wall effectively separates the office from the workshop, combining reality and virtuality. Let two spaces have both physical separation and visual continuity.
The water bar area for employees and visitors provides a rich spatial experience within the factory, while also providing visibility to the production area.
厂区的设计宗旨是打造高效、适度、经济的生产基地, 让工厂回归工厂!
项目规划之初就植入绿色工厂理念,在建设方式上选用装配式被动式建筑技术,在厂房设计中采用明亮通透的开放方式设计减少照明负荷,提升通风效果;厂房顶部铺设光伏板,光伏发电量达700万度/年,实现发电自用、余电上网,助力碳达峰碳中和目标实现 。
At the beginning of the project planning, the concept of green factory was implanted, and prefabricated passive building technology was selected in the construction method. In the factory design, a bright and transparent open design was adopted to reduce lighting load and improve ventilation effect; Photovoltaic panels are installed on the top of the factory building, with a photovoltaic power generation capacity of 7 million kWh/year, achieving self use of electricity and grid connection of surplus electricity, and helping to achieve the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality.
Manage the production workshop in an orderly manner. By drawing lines on the ground, managing the upper space, and designing equipment colors, dull production scenes can be made bright and comfortable.
The entire factory is situated in a fresh way within the high-speed rail new area, while establishing a continuous dialogue between the interior and exterior of the building, ultimately making it a workplace that combines functionality and comfort. It gives people a sense of reality and steadfastness, without being stunning, but everywhere it reflects its usefulness.
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